Category: Project activities

J3 decembre_9+

UNITED FOR INCLUSION: A memorable celebration of the International Day of Disabled Persons in Pétion-Ville.

On Saturday, December 3, 2023, Place Boyer in Pétion-Ville was transformed into a lively and inspiring stage thanks to the exceptional talent of artists with disabilities. The community came together to celebrate the International Day...

810 growers in Petit-Goâve are now better equipped to boost their production capacity.

Helping farmers and stockbreeders in the 3rd section of Trou-Chouchou to move towards sustainable, environmentally-friendly agro-ecological farming was the aim of the distribution of agricultural kits by UN-3 this January. A total of 810 farmers,...
washing hand+

ASB fights against COVID-19 and promotes solidarity in the communes of Petit-Gôave and Grand-Gôave in Haiti.

ASB, with funding from the Catalan Fund, completed the second phase of a project on COVID-19 in the communes of Petit-Gôave and Grand-Gôave on 15 May. "Nou Pap bay, nou pap pran: Konbit an Aksyon"...

Training to modernise and expand beekeeping in Tiburon.

20 beekeepers from several communal sections of Tiburon were trained in modern methods over 4 days as part of the "Ecological resilience in the Grand Bois National Natural Park" project. The training is part of...